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OSS backup comparison

Name Usability Source Efficiency Target Impression
Easy to use Central manage WebUI mount backup backup from remote witout client client-less backup from WAN Full system backup dedup Cross client dedup comp inc. forever Multiple targets Redundancy to local to S3 to Tape to sftp replicate backups Periodic backup check
duplicaCY Easy No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes yes Yes 1) Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes 2)
duplicaTY Easy No yes No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes
restic Medium No No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes
borg Medium Yes No Yes Yes yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes
kopia Easy Partial 3) Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes no Yes 4) Yes Yes No Yes Partial 5) Yes
bacula Hard Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes
urbackup Medium Yes Yes yes No Yes Yes by-file system wide No Yes No No Yes
Prox mox backup server Easy No Yes Yes yes No No Partially 6) Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes 7)



1 2 4 8 16 32 64
ssh backup 20,49 24,6 24,52 24,63 24,43 24,73 24,73
ssh restore 22,19 23,46 23,5 23,54 22,56 22,75 22,25
minio backup 14,76 29,07 43,12 48,46 57,41 65,78 56,08
minio restore 75,65 102,12 106,08 106,3 107,64 107,79 107,68
b2 backup 0,896 1,33 3,05 6,2 10,96 16,08 15,53
b2 restore 2,56 4,91 9,8 16,68 19,31 16,24 16,65

Backup to RPi 3B with 1TB USB 3.0 attached storage

  • X axis - threads
  • Y axis - throughput
1) , 4)
Erasure Code protection from block corruption
Missing backup block files. EC doesn't help from missing files.
Manage over repository
whole repo only
Support VM & CT backup from PVE
Good integration with ProxMox Virtual Environment, Clients only for Debian Linux and PVE, can't stage backups to cloud. Fast and easy not system hungry deduplication.