Table of Contents

Сервисные пароли


Where Login Password How to reset?
IBM Blade switch USERID PASSW0RD Brocade Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes
IBM Blade switch images images Brocade Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes
IBM Rack switch admin password Brocade Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes
Huawei admin Huawei12#$ Brocade Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes
Brocade admin password Brocade Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes
Brocade factory password Brocade Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes
Brocade root password Brocade Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes
Brocade user password Brocade Fabric OS Password Recovery Notes

Заводские пароли Hitachi Storage

Hitachi Ops Center

Устройство Логин Пароль Описание Как сбросить?
Ops Center portal sysadmin sysadmin
Ops Center OVA root 3kO$Pe9dJyjy29HAi2mS Доступ в консоль и через SSH
Ops Center VAM service Chang3Me! Virtual Appliance Manager


Устройство Логин Пароль Описание Как сбросить?
HCP G-node install Chang3Me!
HPC S-node admin Start123! WEB GUI


УстройствоЛогинПарольОписаниеКак сбросить?
Hitachi NAS GUI admin nasadmin
manager nasadmin
Hitachi NAS Consoleroot nasadmin
manager nasadmin
Hitachi NAS SSC supervisor supervisor


Заводские пароли и секртеные комбинации

Устройство Логин Пароль Описание
maintenance $VPdkcсерийный_номер_в_шестнадцатиричном_формате

Panama & Panama 2

Заводские пароли и секртеные комбинации

Устройство Логин Пароль Описание Как сбросить?
Panama SVP SVP raid-login Вход в SVP через RDP или локально SVP recovery Procedure
maintenance raid-maintenance Web-доступ :?: DCI
Инициализация системы Ctrl+Shift+I raid-initialsetup
Storage Advisor root 3kO$Pe9dJyjy29HAi2mS Доступ в консоль и через SSH

Legacy VSP

mode login pass1 pass2
SVP login maintenance raid-mainte etniam-diar
Удаление устройств raid-install
Форматирование дисков raid-online
Принудительная замена компонент raid-online
Супер-режимы SVP
Назначение codename Комбинация клавиш Пароль Путь
Режим редактирования SOM mode mode Ctrl+Shift+M mode Install→Change Configuration → System Options → Mode
Замена нескольких SFP CHA sfp mode Ctrl+Shift+F raid-sfp Maintenance→DKC→CHA→Other→SFP maintenance
Инициализация системы Ctrl+Shift+I raid-initialsetup
? Ctrl+Shift+C ?
? Ctrl+Shift+D raid-debug
? Ctrl+Shift+T raid-test
? Ctrl+Shift+O ?
Супер-режимы SVP
Назначение codename Комбинация клавиш Пароль Путь
Режим редактирования SOM mode mode Ctrl+Shift+Alt+M mode Install→Change Configuration → System Options → Mode
Замена нескольких SFP CHA sfp mode Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F raid-sfp Maintenance→DKC→CHA→Other→SFP maintenance
Инициализация системы Ctrl+Shift+Alt+I raid-initialsetup
? Ctrl+Shift+Alt+C ?
? Ctrl+Shift+Alt+D raid-debug
? Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T raid-test
? Ctrl+Shift+Alt+O ?
? Ctrl+Shift+Alt+P ?


SVP login Administrator raid-login
Удаление устройств raid-install
Форматирование дисков raid-online
Принудительная замена компонент raid-online
Диагностика PATH INLINE A6 raid-diag
Супер-режимы SVP
Назначение codename Комбинация клавиш Пароль
Режим редактирования SOM mode mode Ctrl+Shift+M mode
Замена нескольких SFP CHA sfp mode Ctrl+Shift+F raid-sfp
Инициализация системы Ctrl+Shift+I raid-initialsetup


Заводские пароли и секртеные комбинации

УстройствоЛогинПарольОписаниеКак сбросить?
AMS2000, HUS100 root storage Администратор безопасности при установленной (и активированной) лицензии Accaunt Security hosyu9500
maintenancehosyu9500 Не меняется
SNMv2 systemmanager Переустановка


device Location Task login Password
EVA admin
3par Консольный порт (Mfg) node console console cmp43pd
3par Порт управления (MGMT) node after install 3paradm 3pardata
3par VSP 4.1 - VSP4.4 SP initial install setupusr no password
3par VSP 4.1 - VSP4.4 SP initial install root no password
3par VSP 5.0 SP initial install admin no password
3par VSP 4.1 SP after install spvar HP3parva
3par VSP 4.1 SP after install spvar 3V@rpar
3par VSP 4.1 SP after install spvar 3V#rpar
3par VSP 4.2 SP after install spvar dagR80ne
3par VSP 4.3 SP after install spvar 6swooNr
3par VSP 4.4 SP after install spvar Yawptr444
3par VSP 5.0 SP after install admin
3par SP after install 3parcust 3parInServ


device Location Task login Password Reset
Built-in controller enclosure user Root administrator Used to initialize the password of the super administrator when the super administrator forgets its password. (The old password is required when the super administrator wants to set a new password.) The user can only be logged in to using a serial port. _super_admin Admin@revive Run the chgsuperpasswd command. For details about how to change a password, see OceanStor 5300 V3&5500 V3&5600 V3&5800 V3&6800 V3 Storage System V300R006 Advanced O&M Command Reference. Contact Huawei technical support to obtain related documents.
Built-in controller enclosure user Super administrator Used to transmit files between internal controllers through the SFTP protocol. ibc_os_hs Storage@21st Run the chgibcpasswd command. For details about how to change a password, see OceanStor 5300 V3&5500 V3&5600 V3&5800 V3&6800 V3 Storage System V300R006 Advanced O&M Command Reference. Contact Huawei technical support to obtain related documents.
Built-in controller enclosure user Super administrator The user has full control over the storage system. It can manage users of the same or a lower level and initialize the passwords of lower-level users. admin Admin@storage Method for changing the password: Log in to DeviceManager. Choose Settings > Basic Service Settings > Permission Settings > User Management. Select the user whose password you want to change and click Modify. In the Modify User dialog box that is displayed, change the password of the user. Click OK.
Built-in controller enclosure user Machine-machine account Used to initialize resource files when DeviceManager is started and implement some functions of CLI or other tool software. mm_user mm_user@storage Run the change mm_user password command. For details about how to change a password, see OceanStor 5300 V3&5500 V3&5600 V3&5800 V3&6800 V3 Storage System V300R006 Command Reference.
Built-in controller enclosure user Super administrator Used to access the BMC system using a serial port. NOTE: The account is only applicable to 3 U or 6 U controller enclosures. administrator Huawei12#$ Run the password command. For details about how to change a password, see OceanStor 5300 V3&5500 V3&5600 V3&5800 V3&6800 V3 Storage System V300R006 Advanced O&M Command Reference. Contact Huawei technical support to obtain related documents.
Built-in controller enclosure user Super administrator A built-in account in the SES system of controller and disk enclosures admin Admin@storage Method for changing the password: Log in to DeviceManager. Choose Settings > Basic Service Settings > Permission Settings > User Management. Select the user whose password you want to change and click Modify. In the Modify User dialog box that is displayed, change the password of the user. Click OK.
File system NDMP account Machine-machine account Used to manage the NDMP service of the storage system on a client. ndmpadmin Ndmp@storage Method for changing the password: Log in to DeviceManager. Choose Settings > Basic Service Settings > Permission Settings > User Management. Select the user whose password you want to change and click Modify. In the Modify User dialog box that is displayed, change the password of the user. Click OK.
Built-in SystemReporter user Super administrator Used to log in to the OceanStor SystemReporter. admin Admin@storage For details about how to change a password, see the SystemReporter user guide of the corresponding version.


device Task login Password Reset
IBM V7000 superuser passw0rd
IBM SVC superuser passw0rd
IBM ASMI admin admin
IBM AMMI general general
IBM AMM Консоль модуля управления корзиной IBM Blade Center USERID PASSW0RD Нажать и удерживать в течение 10-15 секунд кнопку RESET
IBM CMM Консоль модуля управления корзиной IBM Flex System USERID PASSW0RD Нажать и удерживать в течение 10-15 секунд кнопку RESET
IBM IMM, IMM2 Менеджмент консоль серверов IBM System x USERID PASSW0RD см. IBM PDSG для конкретной модели сервера
IBM DS8000 HMC консоль - для заказчика customer cust0mer
IBM DS8000 HMC консоль - сбор логов CE serv1cece
IBM DS8000 DS Storage Manager admin admin
IBM DS8000 ASMI Пароль администратора ASMI (требуется сменить при первом входе) admin admin2107
IBM DS8000 ASMI Сервисный пароль ASMI celogin FipSce
IBM pSystem ASMI Пароль администратора ASMI (требуется сменить при первом входе) admin admin
IBM pSystem ASMI Пароль пользователя ASMI (требуется сменить при первом входе) general general


Inspur FC switch


login default password
admin passw0rd
factory password
user password


login default password
admin P@ssw0rd

Inspur NF-server BMC

login default password
admin admin


  • admin / secure
  • superuser / ?
  • service / ?


Where Login Password How to reset?
Veggman - BMC admin v36mann