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shaman − high availability management tool for R-Virtualization cluster.



shaman is a command-line tool for managing and monitoring clustering resources on R-Virtualization nodes. You can use this tool to enable or disable high availability support for R-Storage clusters, monitor global cluster events, and view the overall cluster statistics.

Cluster resources are objects in R-Storage clusters, such as virtual machines and Containers, configured to be managed by the R-Virtualization high availability tool.


These options can be used with any shaman command. -c, –cluster <name>

Set the name of the cluster to operate on. If (-c) is omitted, the shaman service will operate on the cluster specified in the shaman.conf(5) file.


For details on creating custom resource types, see man shaman-scripts.

The stat and top commands support the grouped mode when used with -g, --group option. In this mode, all resources are divided into three groups according to their state: (Active, Broken and Pool). This mode may be useful for monitoring the resources behavior.

The stat and top commands can show statistics only for the nodes with specific IP addresses, if the -n, --node-ip option is specified, or with specific internal IDs, if the -N, --node-id option is specified. In this case, the commands show the statistics only for the resources hosted on the specified node.


The following interactive keyboard commands are available when running the shaman top command.


The shaman stat and shaman top commands display the following information:

OVERALL STATISTICS - Overview of cluster nodes and resources controlled by shaman monitor.

NODES STATISTICS - Detailed statistics for each node controlled by shaman.

SPECIAL MARKS - Node where you run the shaman command is marked with *. The master node is marked with the M letter.

NODE_IP - IP address assigned to the node.

STATUS - State of the node. Cluster resources can be relocated to Active nodes only. The possible states are:

NODE_ID - Internal ID of the node.

ROLES - Roles of the node.

RESOURCES - Number of resources of each type hosted on the node. The resources with the Broken status are not taken into account.

RESOURCES STATISTICS - Detailed statistics for each resource controlled by shaman-monitor.

SPECIAL MARKS - Resources waiting for relocation are marked with P (’Pool’ state). Resources that shaman-monitor has failed to relocate are marked with B (’Broken’ state).

OWNER_IP - IP address of the node hosting the resource.

OWNER_ID - Internal ID of the node hosting the resource.

PRIORITY - A positive value determining the relocation priority of a resource. Resources with a higher priority are relocated first. The default value is 0.

NOTES - The resource statistics usually contains several resource-related fields such as ID, PWRR, and NAME. These fields are defined by the resource descriptions retrieved from the respective resource scripts and can be customized to meet your needs. See shaman-scripts(5) for details.



Main shaman configuration file; see shaman.conf(5) for details.


Main resource controlling script used by shaman; see shaman-scripts(8) for details.


shaman returns 0 upon successful execution. If something goes wrong, it returns an appropriate error code:

1 System error.
2 Failed call of R-Storage API.
4 Invalid value specified for the option.
5 This node is not registered in the cluster.
6 Script execution timeout expired.
8 R-Storage cluster version is not supported.
11 Action is canceled.
12 Node is locked by another process.
18 The R-Storage filesystem is not mounted.
19 The R-Storage filesystem mount point is not functional. Remount the filesystem and retry.
255Unknown command or option specified.


shaman.conf(5), shaman-monitor(8), shaman-scripts(8)

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