prlsrvctl − utility for managing R-Virtualization Server.
prlsrvctl info [-j, –json] [–license] [-f, –full]
prlsrvctl set [-s,–min-security-level <low|normal|high>] [{–device <device> –assignment <host|vm>}] [–backup-storage <user[[:passwd]@server[:port]]>] [–backup-path <path>] [–idle-connection-timeout <timeout>] [–backup-tmpdir tmpdir] [–allow-attach-screenshots <on|off>] [–cpu-features-mask <{{//+//,//-//}//feature1//,//feature=value//}[//,//...]>] [–vm-cpulimit-type <full|guest>] [–vcmmd-policy <density|performance>] [–vnc-ssl-certificate <fname> –vnc-ssl-key <fname>] [OPTIONS]
prlsrvctl install-license -k,–key <key> [-n,–name <name>] [-c,–company <name>] [OPTIONS]
prlsrvctl update-license [OPTIONS]
prlsrvctl user list [-j, –json] [OPTIONS]
prlsrvctl user set –def-vm-home <path>
prlsrvctl problem-report <-d,–dump|-s,–send [–proxy <user[:password]@proxyhost[:port]> | –no-proxy]> [–stand-alone]
prlsrvctl net add <vnetwork_id> [-i,–ifname <if>] [-m,–mac <mac_address>] [-t,–type <bridged|host-only>] [-d,–description <description>] [–ip <ip[/mask]>] [–dhcp-server <on|off>] [–dhcp-ip <ip>] [–ip-scope-start <ip>] [–ip-scope-end <ip>] [–ip6 <ip[/mask]>] [–dhcp6-server <on|off>] [–dhcp-ip6 <ip>] [–ip6-scope-start <ip>] [–ip6-scope-end <ip>]
prlsrvctl net set <vnetwork_id> [-i,–ifname <if>] [-m,–mac <mac_address>] [-t,–type <bridged|host-only>] [-d,–description <description>] [–ip <ip[/mask]>] [–dhcp-server <on|off>] [–dhcp-ip <ip>] [–ip-scope-start <ip>] [–ip-scope-end <ip>] [–ip6 <ip[/mask]>] [–dhcp6-server <on|off>] [–dhcp-ip6 <ip>] [–ip6-scope-start <ip>] [–ip6-scope-end <ip>]
prlsrvctl net del <vnetwork_id>
prlsrvctl net info <vnetwork_id>
prlsrvctl net list [-j, –json]
prlsrvctl privnet add <private_network_id> [-a,–ipadd <ip[/mask]>] [–global <yes|no>]
prlsrvctl privnet set <private_network_id> [-a,–ipadd <ip[/mask]>] [-d,–ipdel <ip[/mask]>] [–global <yes|no>]
prlsrvctl privnet del <private_network_id>
prlsrvctl privnet list [-j, –json]
prlsrvctl usb list [-j, –json] [OPTIONS]
prlsrvctl usb set <usb_dev_id> <vm_uuid | vm_name> [OPTIONS]
prlsrvctl usb del <usb_dev_id> [OPTIONS]
prlsrvctl cttemplate list [-j, –json]
prlsrvctl cttemplate remove <name> [<os_template_name>]
prlsrvctl cttemplate copy <dst_node> <name> [<os_template_name>] [-f,–force]
prlsrvctl backup [-f,–full] [-i,–incremental] [-s,–storage <user[:password]@server[:port]>] [–description <desc>] [-u,–uncompressed]
prlsrvctl tc restart
The prlsrvctl utility is used to manage R-Virtualization Server.
The following flags can be used with the majority of prlsrvctl commands.
This command is used to set and configure various VM parameters.
The following options can be used with the set command:
user list - Lists the R-Virtualization server users.
user set - This command is used to manage the settings of the user currently logged in to the R-Virtualization server.
You can use the following option with the command:
This command is used to manage Virtual Networks on the R-Virtualization server. vnetwork_id denotes the Virtual Network you want to configure.
The following actions can be used with the net command:
The following options can be used with the net actions:
This command is used to manage IP private networks on the R-Virtualization server. private_network_id denotes the IP private network you want to configure.
The following actions can be used with the privnet command:
The following options can be used with the privnet command:
usb list - List the USB devices installed on the server together with the information on their assignments for the current user.
usb set <usb_dev_id> <vm_uuid | vm_name> - Assign the USB device with ID <usb_dev_id> to the virtual machine <vm_uuid>. This USB device will be connected to the specified virtual machine when you start the virtual machine or attach the device to the R-Virtualization server.
usb del <usb_dev_id> - Remove the assignment for the USB device with ID <usb_dev_id>.
cttemplate list - List the OS and application templates installed on the R-Virtualization server.
cttemplate remove <name> [<os_template_name>] - Remove the specified OS or application template from the R-Virtualization server. To delete an application template, you need to additionally indicate the os_template_name parameter.
cttemplate copy <dst_node> <name> [<os_template_name>] [-f,–force] - Copies the specified OS or application template from the local server to the destination server dst_node. To copy an application template, you need to additionally indicate the os_template_name parameter. The destination server must be specified in this format: [user[:password]@]server_IP_address_or_hostname[:port]. If the –force option is specified, all validation checks will be skipped.
plugin list - List all installed R-Virtualization plugins.
plugin refresh - Refresh installed R-Virtualization plugins.
backup [-f,–full] [-i,–incremental] [-s,–storage <user[:password]@server[:port]>] [–description <desc>] [-u,–uncompressed] - Back up all virtual environments on the node.
tc restart - Apply the traffic shaping setting to all running virtual environments.
prlsrvctl returns 0 upon successful command execution. If a command fails, it returns the appropriate error code.
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