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prlsrvctl − utility for managing R-Virtualization Server.


prlsrvctl info [-j, –json] [–license] [-f, –full]

prlsrvctl set [-s,–min-security-level <low|normal|high>] [{–device <device> –assignment <host|vm>}] [–backup-storage <user[[:passwd]@server[:port]]>] [–backup-path <path>] [–idle-connection-timeout <timeout>] [–backup-tmpdir tmpdir] [–allow-attach-screenshots <on|off>] [–cpu-features-mask <{{//+//,//-//}//feature1//,//feature=value//}[//,//...]>] [–vm-cpulimit-type <full|guest>] [–vcmmd-policy <density|performance>] [–vnc-ssl-certificate <fname> –vnc-ssl-key <fname>] [OPTIONS]

prlsrvctl install-license -k,–key <key> [-n,–name <name>] [-c,–company <name>] [OPTIONS]

prlsrvctl update-license [OPTIONS]

prlsrvctl user list [-j, –json] [OPTIONS]

prlsrvctl user set –def-vm-home <path>

prlsrvctl problem-report <-d,–dump|-s,–send [–proxy <user[:password]@proxyhost[:port]> | –no-proxy]> [–stand-alone]

prlsrvctl net add <vnetwork_id> [-i,–ifname <if>] [-m,–mac <mac_address>] [-t,–type <bridged|host-only>] [-d,–description <description>] [–ip <ip[/mask]>] [–dhcp-server <on|off>] [–dhcp-ip <ip>] [–ip-scope-start <ip>] [–ip-scope-end <ip>] [–ip6 <ip[/mask]>] [–dhcp6-server <on|off>] [–dhcp-ip6 <ip>] [–ip6-scope-start <ip>] [–ip6-scope-end <ip>]

prlsrvctl net set <vnetwork_id> [-i,–ifname <if>] [-m,–mac <mac_address>] [-t,–type <bridged|host-only>] [-d,–description <description>] [–ip <ip[/mask]>] [–dhcp-server <on|off>] [–dhcp-ip <ip>] [–ip-scope-start <ip>] [–ip-scope-end <ip>] [–ip6 <ip[/mask]>] [–dhcp6-server <on|off>] [–dhcp-ip6 <ip>] [–ip6-scope-start <ip>] [–ip6-scope-end <ip>]

prlsrvctl net del <vnetwork_id>

prlsrvctl net info <vnetwork_id>

prlsrvctl net list [-j, –json]

prlsrvctl privnet add <private_network_id> [-a,–ipadd <ip[/mask]>] [–global <yes|no>]

prlsrvctl privnet set <private_network_id> [-a,–ipadd <ip[/mask]>] [-d,–ipdel <ip[/mask]>] [–global <yes|no>]

prlsrvctl privnet del <private_network_id>

prlsrvctl privnet list [-j, –json]

prlsrvctl usb list [-j, –json] [OPTIONS]

prlsrvctl usb set <usb_dev_id> <vm_uuid | vm_name> [OPTIONS]

prlsrvctl usb del <usb_dev_id> [OPTIONS]

prlsrvctl cttemplate list [-j, –json]

prlsrvctl cttemplate remove <name> [<os_template_name>]

prlsrvctl cttemplate copy <dst_node> <name> [<os_template_name>] [-f,–force]

prlsrvctl backup [-f,–full] [-i,–incremental] [-s,–storage <user[:password]@server[:port]>] [–description <desc>] [-u,–uncompressed]

prlsrvctl tc restart


The prlsrvctl utility is used to manage R-Virtualization Server.



The following flags can be used with the majority of prlsrvctl commands.

Configuring R-Virtualization Server parameters


This command is used to set and configure various VM parameters.
The following options can be used with the set command:

Managing R-Virtualization server

Listing R-Virtualization server users

user list - Lists the R-Virtualization server users.

Configuring user settings

user set - This command is used to manage the settings of the user currently logged in to the R-Virtualization server.

You can use the following option with the command:

Configuring R-Virtualization Server Virtual Networks


This command is used to manage Virtual Networks on the R-Virtualization server. vnetwork_id denotes the Virtual Network you want to configure.

The following actions can be used with the net command:

The following options can be used with the net actions:

Configuring R-Virtualization Server IP private networks


This command is used to manage IP private networks on the R-Virtualization server. private_network_id denotes the IP private network you want to configure.
The following actions can be used with the privnet command:

The following options can be used with the privnet command:

Configuring Automatic USB Device Assignments

usb list - List the USB devices installed on the server together with the information on their assignments for the current user.

usb set <usb_dev_id> <vm_uuid | vm_name> - Assign the USB device with ID <usb_dev_id> to the virtual machine <vm_uuid>. This USB device will be connected to the specified virtual machine when you start the virtual machine or attach the device to the R-Virtualization server.

usb del <usb_dev_id> - Remove the assignment for the USB device with ID <usb_dev_id>.

Configuring templates for Containers

cttemplate list - List the OS and application templates installed on the R-Virtualization server.

cttemplate remove <name> [<os_template_name>] - Remove the specified OS or application template from the R-Virtualization server. To delete an application template, you need to additionally indicate the os_template_name parameter.

cttemplate copy <dst_node> <name> [<os_template_name>] [-f,–force] - Copies the specified OS or application template from the local server to the destination server dst_node. To copy an application template, you need to additionally indicate the os_template_name parameter. The destination server must be specified in this format: [user[:password]@]server_IP_address_or_hostname[:port]. If the –force option is specified, all validation checks will be skipped.

plugin list - List all installed R-Virtualization plugins.

plugin refresh - Refresh installed R-Virtualization plugins.

Backup management

backup [-f,–full] [-i,–incremental] [-s,–storage <user[:password]@server[:port]>] [–description <desc>] [-u,–uncompressed] - Back up all virtual environments on the node.

Traffic control management

tc restart - Apply the traffic shaping setting to all running virtual environments.


prlsrvctl returns 0 upon successful command execution. If a command fails, it returns the appropriate error code.



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